Hey there! After decades of being around in the internet I decided to start a blog in 2022. A bit late to the blogging party one might think. But better to start late than never.

Who am I and why do I think I have something interesting to share? I’ve been around in the internet since the late 90s and interested in computers for even longer. What started as something fun to spent time with playing video games and build some small websites lead to working at an online shop for computer and video games and started my interest in the e-commerce world.

After some accounting and customer service I realized that the technical aspects are much more fun to me. I started playing around with the shop, automated workflows between shop, erp and market places like amazon. All this lead to studying media informatics beside still working at the online shop. This degree course is a mixup of informatics, computer science and media production and media theory.

Then I started my journey into the professional world of web developing building corporate websites and online shops. About nine years ago I stumbled upon Shopware as an open source shop system and have been part of its developer community ever since. For the past 5-6 years I have solely worked with Shopware, apart from some side projects to keep exploring other stuff. To put it in a nutshell: I’ve seen and learned lots of stuff in the past decades and want to start sharing it.

Let’s see how this works out. Happy to hear feedback about my upcoming posts so reach out to me on Twitter or wherever else you find me!